The New Testament Setting Podcast
The New Testament Setting podcast explores the social and historical context of the New Testament in a way that is accessible to a broad audience.
Podcasting since 2021 • 26 episodes
The New Testament Setting Podcast
Latest Episodes
The Old Testament in the Pastoral Epistles (interview with Dr. Charles Ray III)
The Pastoral Epistles (1 & 2 Timothy, and Titus) are some of the most controversial but practical books in the New Testament. In this episode, Dr. Charles Ray III helps us to understand the ways in which the Old Testament can shed light on ...

Does the Old Testament help us understand the New Testament? (interview with Dr. Charles Ray III)
Does the Old Testament help us understand the New Testament? If so, how do we use the Old Testament in studying the New Testament, and what are some of the challenges we face when trying to make connections between the Old and New Testaments? I...

Mob violence and the Trial of Jesus
Mob violence was a common issue in the ancient Roman Empire and a common theme in the New Testament. The issue of mob violence is of particular interest when examining the trial of Jesus and the ministry of Paul. In this episode, Nicholas...

Paul, the Mob, and the Odd Behavior of a Roman Governor, (A discussion with Nicholas Noyola)
In Acts 18, a group of Jews dragged Paul before the Judgement seat of a Roman Governor. This incident ended with a violent and confusing case of mob violence. To make it even more confusing, The governor did seem to care; he simply ignore...

Wrestling with the New Testament's Use of the Old Testament (An interview with Dr. Jonathan Patterson)
The New Testament uses the Old Testament a lot, but in many cases, its use of the Old Testament can be confusing. In this final installment of my interview with Dr. Jonathan Patterson, an Old Testament scholar, we grapple with these issue...